Jai Yen Yen System
Martial Arts &
Self Defense
Welcome to Jai Yen Yen "Providing Communities with FREE High Quality Martial Arts Instruction Since 1973"
Jai Yen Yen is a unique blend of styles, creating an eclectic system, combining techniques of striking and grappling resulting in a Realistic Street Defense System.
Jai Yen Yen is a System created strictly for Self Defense and designed to meet the needs of each individual student. Since 1973, when the System was originally put together, it has been continuously developed to combine some of the most common known Martial Art Styles... Some of these are Goju Ryu, Isshin Ryu, Judo, Goshin Jutsu, Hakko Ryu JuJitsu, Kyokushinkai, Aikido, Tae Kwon Do, Tang Soo Do, Moo Duk Kwan, Do Hap Sool, Praying Mantis, Hap Ki Do, Shotokan, Muay Thai Kickboxing, as well as others.
The System provides students the opportunity to develop Physical and Mental abilities to deal with the violence found on our streets today.
MISSION STATEMENTSThe System's Statement We are dedicated to providing support for the instructors and students, whether they are past, present or future, of the system. Our efforts will continue to establish, maintain and improve our service, which is to provide affordable, quality instruction to educate people through mental awareness, physical fitness, emotional control, and technical abilities on how to avoid, defend, and survive violent situations. Our School's Statement To provide affordable, quality instruction to educate people through mental awareness, physical fitness, emotional control, and technical abilities on how to avoid, defend, and survive violent situations.